Most asked questions with answers

MIDIFriend is a service that provides new midi files daily. Our Midi Files are completely royalty free created by some of the best midi creators in the industry.  We take pride in being your choice of platform providing inspiration to music creators around the world.

All content on our site is licensed from talented midi creators.  Our vendors range from companies to bedroom beatmakers.

If you are interested in bringing your midi to MidiFriend please reach out to us via Livechat located at the bottom right of website.

Our license with midi creators are non exclusive.  All midi is 100% royalty free.  If you think there is a midi file on our website that infringes on your copyright in anyway please contact us immediately via livechat or email and we will remove it and contact the midi creator we licensed the content from.  If we find it infringes a copyright in any way, file will get removed instantly.

Just Head over to and Click on the Download button on the far left. Once you click Download, a popup window should appear. If you do not see a pop up window, Then you might have to disable your Adblocker. Once the pop up window opens, Click on the Button “Download Mp3/Midi”

Our Midi Files are bundle in with mp3 files. Please head Over to WinZip or WinRar, Or use your operating System built in extraction tool.

These extraction tools are very easy to use, We recommend you watch tutorial through Youtube, For further explanation

Yes – You may use the file, without restrictions. All files are royalty Free.

We Accept all major credit cards, Our Payment Processor is powered by: Stripe. We currently do not accept paypal

Some cards may not be accept by Stripe. Please Contact Us Via Email or Us the Live Chat on our site.

For account details go to
My Account

For subscriptions/Invoices

Subscription Account Information

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